
International University of Monaco's "The Entrepreneurship Series"

Katharina Kull shares her journey as an entrepreneur in this interview. 

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Thanks to the management of Kull&Consultants, the Instagram page of Nick Jr. has exceeded all expectations.

Here the results for the first half of the year 2022:

  • Followers went up +50%
  • Profile visits went up +339.9%
  • Engagement on posts went up +1.2K%
  • Views on reels went up +1.4K%
  • Page reach went up +723.2%
  • Story reach went up +268.8%


We are delighted to share the news that Kull & Consultants has won the German business award as Best Social Media Consulting firm 2021. It is an honor to receive the award and we want to thank our clients for the trust they have in us and are looking forward to what comes next!

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Instagram School: ABC

Be one of the first to get it & download it now for free for a limited time! It contains the ABC of terms that are used in since social media. You can download it here.

After reading it, you will sound like a Social Media Pro (and understand younger people better).

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(This is the English version of our format 'Die Macht des Social Media'.)

The Power of Social Media


A strategic guide after the changes on the platform

Reading takes you about 4 minutes 🤓

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We developed our first own GIF. You can watch and play it.

From now on, of course, you can also find it in our Instagram stories at @kullconsultants.

Are you following us yet? We look forward to likes, shares, follow and feedback.



Every Tuesday, Katharina Juliane Kull is at the Clubhouse and speaks to media lawyer Dr. Eva Hammertinger and Dr. Martin Gerecke on current topics such as hatred on the net, guidelines of the platforms, imprint, advertising labeling and many other exciting topics relating to social media and media law.

Guests will be announced anew every week.

Next talk: Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021, 8 p.m. at Clubhouse. Guest: YouTuber Marvin Wildhage



Without further ado, we made a podcast from our series of articles. There is also video material to support this.

In short:

Hello, my name is Katharina Juliane Kull - and I am a social media expert! I've been working in social media for five years.

This enabled me to experience their development up close and understand the underlying dynamics. What is social media? The entirety of interactive social networks that are used to create and share private and business-relevant information. Initially the exchange and private use were in the foreground, but social media were gradually monetized. So social media developed into an initially subtle, but now very expressive and unambiguous advertising tool. As a result, the platforms replaced radio, TV and print media, all of which belong to the traditional media.

Behind the great success of social media is, among other things, the user's own participation and creation of the content, while the classic media formats just mentioned are determined by companies and organizations. The social media channels are thus advancing to reflect our society, a first-hand witness to the latest trends and opinions. Over time, some opinion leaders and personalities emerged here who are now referred to as 'influencers'. Influencers because they influence public opinion and reach numerous people through an enormous number of followers. But what really characterizes an influencer, meaningful influencer and content creator?

Just as this term is not clearly defined, it is not that of the social media manager. Anyone who thinks they would upload a post once a day and otherwise just twiddle their thumbs is wrong. Because social media managers know the market like the back of their hand, recognize trends at the very beginning, define an effective social media strategy and tools for how this can be implemented successfully.

Therefore, in this podcast I am giving you the most important reasons why a production team should invest in social media, which team members are needed to implement a successful social media concept, and which channels should be used for this. What do KPIs belong to in order to subsequently and continuously measure their success? How can you fill your accounts in such a way that you get the results that bring you closer to your goals?

In addition, I'm going to share numerous tips here to increase your self-esteem, which is one of the most important prerequisites for rocking social media! Because on the latter you expose yourself, share your opinion and show (as authentically as possible, please) who you are. And that also requires a great deal of courage. Because the reactions of other users will not always be positive, you will reap criticism and see your content questioned. But, I got you covered:

In some episodes, my podcast also sheds light on how you can put on a thick skin, stay on your home straight despite some negative comments - and ultimately lead your accounts to success. I will provide you with the important tools for this!

The rapid spread and development of social media raises a number of questions and brings about changes, the effects of which are only slowly emerging. This is where I come in: I am your contact person when it comes to social media, how it affects consumers and users - and how you can use it for your business. I look forward to a stimulating exchange and stimulating discussions with you all. Subscribe to my channel, comment and write me your topics and questions! As a result, I will illuminate the topic in detail and share tips and tricks for successfully dealing with social media with you.

I look forward to you,

your Katharina

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(This is the English version of our format 'Die Macht des Social Media'. We chose the word force over power because we think it is rather a force than only powerful. Also: we like Star Wars 😉)

The Force of Social Media #6

Read our newest article about cloud gaming! 

Reading takes you about 5 minutes 🤓

Cloud gaming works similar to streaming a TV show or movie with, for example, Netflix or Amazon Prime Video. You access the sound and imagery directly over the internet without downloading the whole game on your mobile device or computer. The game is stored on a server, also called the 'cloud'. With cloud gaming, you can stream the game to your screen directly from the cloud. At the same time, your device will rapidly upload your actions back to the server. That's what happens in the background when you play a video game in the cloud!

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Reading time: approx. 5 minutes

A new contribution from us: The power of social media 🤓

Today it's about the topic: prejudices in social media

📊 Different platforms attract different users - and among these are your customers.

📱However, some prejudices against social media have grown so much that some companies completely refrain from them. Right? You will find out in this post!

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Die Social Media Gap

Gen Z treats social media differently than baby boomers.

But how? What we can learn from each other👇

Reading time: approx. 4 minutes 🤓

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The power of social media

Reading times are approximately 3 minutes 🤓

➡️ In today's issue we ask the question of whether social media is better organized in-house or externally. And we're talking about the fact that a single person cannot replace an entire production team. Sounds logical right?

But happens all the time & is expected because it is not understood how content is actually produced and why nothing works without a strategy!

Who of you has already read a job description for a social media manager with 10 years   experience? 😂 but salary 30K per year

Thank you Gerald Huesch, founder of the Global Leadership School for the quote!

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Finding a social media manager or finding a job in social media is not that easy.

It takes about 5 minutes to read 😊

Many years of professional experience are often required, which in our opinion is pointless. Social media has changed a lot in the last few years and has not been used as long as it is now.

Most of all people are wanted who replace an entire production, are creative and analytical, speak at least 3 languages, work 40 hours (plus at least 20 overtime) a week (of course also on weekends) and ideally late in the evening because because the traffic comes, preferably for less than € 40,000 per year.

We took a closer look at it and exchanged ideas with a specialist in recruiting. And why the strategy is the most important thing, we explain in today's post about: The power of social media

Read it yourself 🤓

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It takes about 4 minutes to read 🤓

40 hours plus overtime: content production, editing and graphic design plus brainstorming plus strategy plus community management and posting plus monitoring and analysis plus admin plus team meetings and the like for € 2000 per month?


Incidentally, this does not lead to the desired result dear company. Why? 👇

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